Big bore shoot on Lytham Marsh on one of the last Sundays of February 2024, guns arrived in the darkness of a misty morning ranging from 10ga to 8ga and 4ga, the turnout from club members and associates was outstanding filling our car park to the maximum. We escorted new members and old across the saltings, spreading ourselves out along the foreshore in the mist, each big gun accompanied by a couple of members who hadn’t shot a big bore gun in their lives.
The dawn started and the first Pinkfoot geese started their flight over the foreshore, our marsh has never seen or heard booms like it in one flight in all its history, the resounding music of these 100 year old guns echoed around the estuary. It was really nice to get all the lads out for a flight at the same time, we had invited our associate members and made sure they all got a bang with the big boys, some nice young blood coming into the club and all now with some fantastic experience.
I think we might be seeing some future big gunners there in those new young members, and some older members also showing a healthy interest in the mighty 4, 8 and 10 bores, what’s not to like, look at the photo of the 4 bore in its full glory spitting flames from the black powder load. Incredible morning with a big attendance from the Lytham Wildfowlers and associates, another successful event that is now going to become an annual event for our association.