LDWA Chairman, Mr Andrew Cash returns to Lytham marsh for the first time in a while………..15 years to be exact!
At 4pm on the 24th January, Andrew, accompanied by Andy Lee (Secretary and Marsh Management Officer) Kevin Bretherton (LDWA member) set out for an evening’s duck flighting.
The first hurdle was to get Andrew across the main run to enable him to inspect some of the maintenance work carried out at the beginning of October of which he was very impressed. The team then settled down for the evening flight. The first opportunity coming with a single pink-foot goose which had a lucky escape and then the ducks arrived. After a few shots Andrew succeeded in getting 3 widgeon (2 drakes and a duck) and the evening was an instant success.
At the end of an enjoyable night while returning to the vehicles, Andrew almost didn’t make it. He managed to find the only gutter capable of filling both waders with water!! However, everyone made it back safely having had a truly enjoyable evening.
Andrew later commented: “thanks again for the trip on the marsh……..the washing machine is on overtime but I really enjoyed it and to see the fantastic changes since my last visit”